What is the Keto Diet?
The keto diet, simply put, is a very low carb diet with a focus on increasing healthy fat consumption. By severely restricting carbohydrates, which your body would normally rely on for energy, your body is forced to burn fat for energy instead. The resulting metabolic state is called ketosis.
Ketosis is the metabolic state in which the liver converts fat into ketones that the body can use as fuel. This state is sometimes referred to as “becoming fat adapted”. Ketosis can increase weight loss, help with blood sugar management, and provide more energy to the brain.
When your body enters ketosis it becomes a more efficient fat-burning machine, and that is why the keto diet has gained popularity as a means for weight loss.

Tips for Getting into Ketosis
- Reduce your Carbohydrate intake. Cut out bread, rice, pasta, sugar, fruits (with the exception of some berries), high-carb vegetables, and milk.
- Increase healthy fat consumption. Include avocados, olive oil, eggs, salmon, tuna, nuts, flaxseeds, nut butter, dark chocolate, cheese, olives, and grass-fed beef in your diet.
- Try intermittent fasting. Fasting allows the body to burn off its stored glucose, which will force it to create an alternative fuel source – ketones.
- Add exogenous ketones to your daily routine! Individuals who used Real Ketones experienced 2x more fat loss as well as reduced insulin and cholesterol levels!
- Test your ketone levels and adjust accordingly. You can test your ketone levels using keto test strips or for a more accurate reading, you could use a breath ketone meter.
- Ramp up your physical activity. Adding exercise to your routine when starting the keto diet can help your body enter the metabolic state of ketosis.
- Add MCT oil to your diet. MCT oil can increase your energy levels and ketone production.

Some Foods to Avoid
- Alcohol
- Some condiments such as ketchup or BBQ sauce
- Beans
- Processed vegetable oils
- Milk (it contains dairy sugar)
- Soda (even diet sodas can cause spiked insulin)
- Fruit
- High carb vegetables
- Bread
- Pasta
- Rice
- Potatoes
- Sugar
- Grains

A common misconception about the keto diet is that it is all about meat and fat. Vegetables are actually a crucial part of a balanced keto diet. For a list of keto-friendly veggies to stock your fridge with check out this article all about stocking your keto pantry!
Tips for Success
As you are starting your keto journey, there will be a lot of information to take in. My advice is to consult your doctor to make sure that this way of eating will be the best fit for your body and lifestyle. Once you are cleared for take-off, dive in head first! There are tons of recipes and tips right here on my blog to help you plan some tasty meals. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you may want to meal plan and prep so that you are organized and ready for each week as it comes. Tracking your macros using an app or website can help you stay on track with your nutrition and weight loss goals. If cooking and meal planning is not your strength, there are plenty of meal delivery services that offer keto meals shipped right to your door!
I hope that these tips help when you are starting your keto journey! Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions. I love to help!
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